
WA Investments now translated in 11 languages


WA Investments is now available in 11 languages, significantly enhancing its accessibility to a global audience by attracting investors from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

WA Investments launched in English in March 2023, and can be also translated into Japanese, Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, French, Spanish, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean and German.

“Translating WA Investments into 11 languages places Western Australian investment opportunities on an even greater world stage,” says CCIWA’s Head of International Trade Services Michael Carter.

“WA Investments now has a broader reach to facilitate cross-border collaborations, and positions WA as an attractive destination for international investments.

“It also helps bridge communication gaps, fostering trust and inclusivity, which are vital for showcasing investment-ready projects and fostering partnerships.

“Additionally, it aligns with WA’s efforts to leverage its strategic proximity to global markets.”

WA Investments currently has 60 projects listed, valued at a combined $7 billion.

Since the website’s launch, it has amassed more than 69,000 page views globally, including from the top 10 countries of the United States, India, United Kingdom, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Netherlands, Canada, Indonesia and Australia.

The website enables investors to browse investment opportunities at ease based on region and industry. Advanced industries highlighted throughout WA Investments include:

  • Mining and mining equipment, technology and services (METS)
  • Energy
  • International education
  • Defence industries
  • Space industries
  • Health, medical, science and innovation
  • Primary industries
  • Tourism, events and creative industries
  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Infrastructure

It positions Western Australia as an ideal destination for business and investment by showcasing the State’s abundant natural resources, favourable climate, skilled workforce, high-quality education and innovative capabilities.

WA Investments is a collaboration between Invest and Trade Western Australia and CCIWA to showcase investment ready projects in Western Australia.







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1. 新增投資項目詳情


  • 充分描述您的投資機會,以便潛在投資者了解該專案以及您尋求外部投資基金的原因。
  • 闡明您的投資者主張。這是您向參與的投資者分享您的故事和願景的機會。
  • 提供與投資專案相關的具體資訊 – 公司實體/擁有權、ABN / ACN、商號、投資價值、投資類型/行業和地區,
  • 描述投資專案是否有土著參與和/或參與。
  • 上傳高品質的圖像和視頻連結(如果有)。
  • 提供位置詳細資訊(可選),以便我們可以將其放在地圖上。
  • 提供主要聯繫方式以接收潛在投資者的詢問。上傳您希望潛在投資者下載的、支援您的投資者主張或「投資推銷」的任何其他項目資訊。

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  • 專案可行性和交付,包括風險管理。
  • 執行擬議專案的能力、經驗、能力和能力;
  • 增長計劃,以及如何為這種增長提供資金;
  • 投資支援者需要如何處於正確的業務結構中。

3. 提交您的專案以供審核


4. 審批和上市


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