WA 투자

One of Perth’s most investment-ready regions: Joondalup

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Joondalup is the strategic economic centre of Perth’s northern corridor that is primed for future investment.

The Joondalup 2050 Vision sets the scene to attract investment and development, creating local jobs and economic sustainability.

This vision was reinforced by WA Premier Roger Cook at the City of Joondalup Business Forum in December 2024.

“Joondalup is not just preparing for the future, it is actively shaping it and leading the way as a world-class destination,” Premier Cook said.

“Western Australia can evolve beyond the boom-bust cycle to become an innovative and diversified economy, and Joondalup is leading this charge.”

A hub for innovative, diverse projects

The transformation of Joondalup is a key focus of the City’s Economic Development Strategy – Expanding Horizons 2033, which lays out a framework that will support Joondalup as a centre for innovation, investment and economic resilience.

The Premier went onto say, “I’m absolutely stunned by the growth we see in Joondalup…” as he highlighted several key projects driving this shift.

Key projects include:

  • The Ocean Reef Marina, designed to boost coastal tourism and attract investment.
  • The Australian Automation Robotics Precinct (AARP), located just 12km from the Joondalup City Centre, putting Joondalup at the centre of automation, robotics and AI projects.
  • The Joondalup Health Campus expansion, underpinning further investment in critical high acuity service delivery and research that is essential to meet the demand of the growing population.
  • Upgrades to North Metropolitan TAFE including the $21.3 million specialist Electric Automotive Vehicle Training Centre.

Joondalup Mayor Albert Jacob echoed the Premier’s sentiments and said that the City’s strategic priorities align with the State.

“Joondalup’s strategic priorities align with the State Government’s Diversify WA strategy,” Mayor Jacob said.

“Our strengths in health services, medical life sciences, education and digital innovation, coupled with strong tourism and lifestyle appeal, will drive economic growth and create quality jobs.”

Focus on investors, entrepreneurs, innovators

The City is focusing on entrepreneurship, AI and digital industries, aiming to create an environment where start-ups and established businesses can thrive.

With investment in advanced manufacturing, automation and commercialisation, Joondalup is positioning itself as a key player in WA’s transition to a knowledge-driven economy.

The newly launched Expanding Horizons 2033 strategy is designed to guide Joondalup towards its long-term vision, leveraging technology, education and sustainability as key drivers of growth.

Collaboration between local, state and federal governments, alongside industry leaders, will be crucial to realising this potential.

Joondalup’s economic transformation is well underway, and the opportunities for investors, businesses and entrepreneurs are abundant.

As Western Australia moves towards a diversified, innovation-led economy, Joondalup is leading the charge. The time to invest in its potential is now.

Contact the City of Joondalup to find out how you can be part of this vision or visit joondalup.wa.gov.au/invest.

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