
Benefits for investors in accessing Australian opportunities


The Australian Government’s Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnerships (ESVCLP) program is providing fund managers and investors with tax exemptions and other incentives to drive growth in early-stage Australian businesses.

The program aims to stimulate the early-stage venture capital sector in Australia by:

  • Helping fund managers attract pooled capital, so they can raise new venture capital funds of between $10 million and $200m to invest in innovative early-stage businesses
  • Offering tax benefits to fund managers and investors
  • Connecting investors with early-stage businesses
  • Helps Australian businesses grow by receiving financial support and guidance from expert advisers

Fund managers can apply to Innovation and Science Australia to register a partnership as an ESVCLP.

There is no closing date for applications, you can apply any time using the online form.

How does it work?

An ESVCLP must be established as a new partnership rather than a restructured one.

To register, applicants must submit an application to the Innovation and Science Australia’s Innovation Investment Committee under the Venture Capital Act 2002 (VCA). The committee will register a partnership as an ESVCLP if it meets the required eligibility criteria.

Once registered, an ESVCLP can invest in early-stage venture capital opportunities within companies or unit trusts at the following development stages:

  • Pre-seed
  • Seed
  • Startup
  • Early expansion

These investments must satisfy additional criteria and be retained for at least 12 months.

An ESVCLP is also required to adhere to ongoing registration and reporting obligations under the VCA to maintain its status.

Upon registration, both investors and fund managers can access tax benefits, which vary between the two groups.

Additionally, the Foreign Investment Location Test applies when an Australian-based ESVCLP invests in companies situated outside Australia.

The program is jointly administered by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on behalf of the Australian Government.




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1. 新增投資項目詳情


  • 充分描述您的投資機會,以便潛在投資者了解該專案以及您尋求外部投資基金的原因。
  • 闡明您的投資者主張。這是您向參與的投資者分享您的故事和願景的機會。
  • 提供與投資專案相關的具體資訊 – 公司實體/擁有權、ABN / ACN、商號、投資價值、投資類型/行業和地區,
  • 描述投資專案是否有土著參與和/或參與。
  • 上傳高品質的圖像和視頻連結(如果有)。
  • 提供位置詳細資訊(可選),以便我們可以將其放在地圖上。
  • 提供主要聯繫方式以接收潛在投資者的詢問。上傳您希望潛在投資者下載的、支援您的投資者主張或「投資推銷」的任何其他項目資訊。

2. 說明您的項目的影響以及與西澳投資策略的一致性


3. 提交您的投資專案以供審核



  • 專案可行性和交付,包括風險管理。
  • 執行擬議專案的能力、經驗、能力和能力;
  • 增長計劃,以及如何為這種增長提供資金;
  • 投資支援者需要如何處於正確的業務結構中。

3. 提交您的專案以供審核


4. 審批和上市


在網站上註冊投資機會,即表示您同意條款和條件,並承認您已閱讀並同意 條款與細則, 免責聲明, 隱私版權 策略。