Investment opportunities
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- Direct InvestmentPerth Greater Metro
Rockingham Strategic Centre and Industry Development
The City of Rockingham is ready to collaborate with key strategic partners and investors across Australia and throughout the world to capitalise on our fast growing economy and explore the exciting development opportunities.
Direct InvestmentDefence Industries$251 million - $500 millionPerth Greater MetroView details - Direct InvestmentPerth Greater Metro
Como Central
This once in a lifetime opportunity is on offer for sale via Expressions of Interest. For further information or to obtain the Information Memorandum please contact Luka Marinovich at The Agency Perth.
Direct InvestmentInfrastructure$251 - $500 millionPerth Greater MetroView details - BrownfieldGascoyne
Vytas Resources Limited
Staged development funding for green hydrogen project of global significance.
BrownfieldEnergy$5 - $10 millionGascoyneView details - GreenfieldGascoyne
Gascoyne Gateway Marine Complex
GGL seeks funding to continue to develop the carbon neutral multi-user port terminal that will provide green supply chain solutions for projects in the renewable, rare earths and oil & gas sectors. Securing planned tourism and defence sustainment opportunities.
GreenfieldInfrastructure$251 - $500 millionGascoyneView details - Direct InvestmentPerth Greater Metro
Austvolt Cathode Active Material Facility
AES plans to build Australia's first Cathode Active Materials (CAM) facility in Kwinana for manufacturing lithium cells globally. This project has the potential to open up cell manufacturing and further downstream industry.
Direct InvestmentEnergy$251 - $500 millionPerth Greater MetroView details